5 main rules of winter pedicure at home

5 main rules of winter pedicure at home
Here are the top 5 rules for winter pedicures:

1️⃣ Contrasting foot baths are an effective way to soften the skin on your feet. The alternation of hot and cold water activates blood circulation, which helps to improve skin condition. Already after the first treatment you will notice how the skin becomes much softer and smoother.

2️⃣ If you have formed calluses, it is important to disinfect them thoroughly. For this purpose, iodine is ideal. The main rule is that you should never open or pick the calluses to avoid infection. 

3️⃣ Want to enjoy smooth skin on your feet? Invest in a quality rough skin file that effectively and professionally exfoliates keratinised areas for a soft and groomed .

4️⃣ Take care of nourishing and moisturising the skin on your feet by adding to your skincare collection. Include a variety of creams and lotions in your arsenal to ensure your skin is fully nourished and kept soft and healthy.

5️⃣ If you feel tired feet, treat yourself to a massage. All you need to do is apply a nourishing product to your skin and gently rub it in from socks to heels after a shower. Not only will this help relieve tension, but it will also leave your skin soft and well-groomed. 

Pedicure is important not only in summer but also in winter. Feet, like any other part of the body, need regular care and attention all year round. Taking care of them helps not only to keep them healthy but also to maintain their beauty. 

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