Гель паутинка Glitter Shiny, Global Fashion, 5 гр, 04

Code of product 12554Bought 6 times
Гель паутинка Glitter Shiny, Global Fashion, 5 гр, 04
Code of product 12554Bought 6 times
Additional information
Shelf life......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 years
Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
19 g
3 cm
3.5 cm
3.5 cm
MDL 80.00
in stock
MDL 80.00
Additional information

Spider Gel Glitter Shiny de la Global Fashion cu particule extrafine de glitter. Colectia este imbogatita cu nuante fascinante ce contin particule stralucitoare si sclipitoare.

Disco Spider Gel potrivit pentru crearea celor mai inedite si rapide tipuri de design de unghii. Produsul este cu pigmentatie ridicata si cu textura vascoasa si elastica.

Datorita formulei sale flexibile, modelele realizate cu ea nu vor curge in marginile unghiilor si cuticule. Produsul este potrivit pentru amatori si profesionisti.

Datorita propietatilor sale, gelurile de tip Spider sunt foarte economice si se prelucreaza extrem de usor, putandu-se aplica cu pensula, cu un punctator sau chiar o scobitoare. Rezistenta mare pana la 4 saptamani.

Spider Gel Glitter Shiny se amesteca bine inainte de utilizare, deoarece pigmentii si particulele de sclipici se pot aseza pe fundul recipientului.

Cu Spider gel vei avea o manichiura de invidiat, insotita de o stralucire discreta a particulelor sclipitoare care va adauga manichiurii un efect unic!

Gel Spider Glitter Shiny, also known as Гель паутика Glitter Shiny in Russian, is a popular gel nail product in the fashion industry. It comes in a 5-gram container with the 04 colour code.

Global fashion trends have recently taken the nail industry by storm. Nail extensions, paints, gel colours, and gel spiders are among the most sought-after products by fashion enthusiasts.

Gel Spider Glitter Shiny provides a unique texture and appearance that is highly sought-after by fashion-forward individuals. It is characterized by a vibrant sparkly effect that makes it stand out from other gel products in the market. With its striking glittery finish, this gel spider has become a must-have for many women and nail professionals around the world.

Another remarkable feature of this nail product is that it is long-lasting, making it perfect for anyone who wants to keep their nails looking beautiful for an extended period. It can be applied to the nails as an overlay on natural nails or as an enhancement on nail extensions. Moreover, it can be cured under UV or LED lamps, making it highly versatile and easy to use.

One of the benefits of using Gel Spider Glitter Shiny is that it adds an element of glamor to any outfit. Whether you are dressing up for a special occasion or simply want to add some sparkle to your everyday style, this product will not disappoint. Its glittery effect is sure to make you the center of attention, and it pairs well with other nail products like nail polishes and nail art.

In conclusion, Gel Spider Glitter Shiny is an exceptional product that adds a vibrant texture and sparkle to your nails. It is a must-have for anyone who desires to keep up with global fashion trends and take their nail game to the next level. So, don't hesitate to add this product to your nail kit today!