Gel tips, stiletto shape, 12 sizes, 504 pcs.

Code of product 16062Article VR-ZF896Bought 261 times
Gel tips, stiletto shape, 12 sizes, 504 pcs.
Code of product 16062Article VR-ZF896Bought 261 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
180 g
18.5 cm
8.5 cm
4.7 cm
MDL 140.00
in stock
MDL 140.00
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Типсы сделаны из геля и поддаются опиливанию и размачиванию жидкостью для снятия гель-лака. Они крепкие, но пластичные что позволяет прикрепить типсу на ноготки без дополнительных усилий.

Soak-off формула – легко растворимая формула, удаляется без пилок и шлифовщиков за 10 минут.

Способ применения:

Типсы крепятся на ноготь с помощью базы и “Extension UV Gel”, предварительно нужно отшлифовать бафом поверхность ногтя и подготавливаем, как перед наращиванием. Наносим базу на натуральные ногти и сушим в лампе. Наносим гель на ноготь, прижимаем гелевые типсы и фиксируем под лампой. Поверх типсы можно наносить гель-лак и топ. Снимается гелевая типса спиливанием или жидкостью для снятия гель-лака. Это не пластик! Это гель который значительно ускоряет процесс наращивания.

When it comes to nail extensions, gel tips have become increasingly popular among nail enthusiasts. And if you're looking for a unique shape to your nails, the stiletto shape with its pointed tip can add a dramatic flair to your look.

One of the advantages of using gel tips is that they offer a more natural look and feel than other types of nail extensions. Unlike acrylics, which can be heavy and thick, gel tips are thinner and more flexible, making them easier to work with. Additionally, the gel material is less likely to damage your natural nails, making it a healthier choice.

If you're interested in trying out gel tips for yourself, you'll be pleased to know that they come in a range of sizes to fit any nail shape. A pack of 504 pieces in 12 different sizes is a great option, as it gives you plenty of options to experiment with different nail lengths and widths. This is especially helpful if you have different-sized nails on each hand.

When it comes to shaping the tips, the stiletto shape is a popular choice for those who want a bold and edgy look. To create this shape, you'll need to file the tips to a sharp point, being careful not to over-file and weaken the nail. You can also use a nail clipper to create the initial length and shape, then use a file to refine the edges.

Overall, gel tips are an excellent option for those looking for a sleek and natural-looking nail extension. The 12 different sizes and 504 pieces pack, make it easy to find the perfect fit for your nails, while the stiletto shape adds a stylish touch to your overall look. So go ahead, try them out and see how they can enhance your nails!