Алмазная насадка для кутикулы, цилиндр закруглённый, зелёная насечка 882/040G

Code of product 17385Bought 41 times
Алмазная насадка для кутикулы, цилиндр закруглённый, зелёная насечка 882/040G
Code of product 17385Bought 41 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6 g
7 cm
1 cm
0.4 cm
MDL 30.00
in stock
MDL 30.00
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Bitul diamant cilindru este special conceput pentru indepartarea marginilor si pentru indreptarea unghiilor neuniforme.

Capat freza verde realizat din material de calitate superioara, rezistent la socuri mecanice, sterilizare termica si la solutiile de dezinfectare. Acesta asigura o curatare foarte usoara, stabilitate ideala si rezultate profesionale. Recomandat atat pentru uz profesional, cat si pentru uz personal.

Diamond Head Cuticle Nozzle: Rounded Cylinder Shape and Green Groove 882/040G

If you're looking for precision and efficiency when it comes to nail care, a diamond head cuticle nozzle is a must-have in your beauty arsenal. This tool features a cylindrical shape with a rounded end and a distinctive green groove, specifically designed for extra detailing around the cuticles.

The diamond head is made of super-hard synthetic diamond material, which ensures a long-lasting and high-performing tool. This nozzle is compatible with most milling cutters, making it a versatile tool for any professional nail artist or DIY enthusiast.

One of the main advantages of the diamond head cuticle nozzle is its ability to refine and purify the surface of the nail bed, avoiding damages that might occur with traditional manicure tools. It works by removing dead skin cells and rough edges around the cuticles, making the nail bed look smooth and clean.

The rounded cylinder shape allows you to work around the edges and curves of the cuticle with ease, ensuring a uniform and precise finish. Moreover, the green groove provides an extra guide for precision during the process, making it easier for you to spot any unwanted bumps or skin residue.

However, when using the diamond head cuticle nozzle, it is recommended to use it with caution and control. You don't want to damage your nail bed by overworking it or pressing too hard during application. Take your time and use gentle movements to achieve the best results.

In conclusion, the diamond head cuticle nozzle with a rounded cylinder shape and green groove is a game-changing tool that provides a precise and efficient way to refine and purify your nails. If you want to achieve professional-looking nails without leaving your home, then consider getting your hands on this essential tool.