Setul de folie pentru unghii, 10 bucăți, cu design animal print, cod 26, adaugă un element de originalitate și stil manichiurii tale. Fie că ești un profesionist în domeniul unghiilor sau îți place să experimentezi acasă, aceste folii de unghii sunt perfecte pentru a crea modele unice și atrăgătoare. Fiecare folie este ușor de aplicat și poate transforma unghia într-o veritabilă operă de artă, cu un design inspirat de celebrele motive animal print.
Foil is a versatile material that can be found in almost every kitchen. However, when it comes to nail design, ordinary household sheets are no longer suitable. For this creative purpose, specialised nail foil is used, which can be purchased in specialised shops. Professional material has a completely different structure - it is much thinner and softer, which makes it easy to apply it to the nail, creating exquisite and elegant patterns and designs. Thus, nail foil becomes an indispensable tool for manicurists and everyone who seeks to give their nails a unique and stylish look.
Apply the foil matte side on the nail plate and gently smooth it over the entire surface with a cotton applicator. Once the foil has laid flat, tear it off the nail sharply. To fix the work, use the top. It will give additional shine and prolong the durability of your manicure.