Angled Synthetic Gel Brush # 4, Global Fashion GF-16

Code of product 12780Bought 25 times
Angled Synthetic Gel Brush # 4, Global Fashion GF-16
Code of product 12780Bought 25 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
15 g
21.5 cm
4 cm
1 cm
MDL 0.00
Out of stock
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Nowadays, nail extensions have become a popular and sought-after procedure among women. Tools play a key role in creating beautiful and well-groomed nails, and in this important aspect, nail design brushes from Global Fashion brand definitely deserve attention.

Global Fashion brand offers professional brushes that will be a reliable and quality tool for every woman who wants to create beautiful and unique nail art. Their brushes provide a soft and smooth application, which makes the process of nail extensions pleasant and comfortable.