Manicure and pedicure machine 45000 rpm 80 watt Global Fashion GF-220-pink

Code of product 15674Bought 24 times
Manicure and pedicure machine 45000 rpm 80 watt Global Fashion GF-220-pink
Code of product 15674Bought 24 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1075 g
17.5 cm
23.6 cm
10 cm
MDL 900.00
in stock
MDL 900.00
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Freza electrica unghii GF-220 este o freza de calitate, profesionala, indeplinita la cele mai inalte standarte si apreciata pozitiv pe piata. Aparatul atribuie multiple intrebuintari pentru realizarea manichiurei si pedichiurei perfecte.

Pila electrica unghii are o viteza de pana la 45.000 rotatii pe minut. Datorita acesteia timpul de lucru va fi diminuat, asigurat cu rezultate admirabile. Aparatul nu se supraincalzeste, dar viteza de rotatie 45.000 ii incredinteaza un timp de slujire indelungat.

Unitatea centrala are un design modern si practit, produs din materiale de calitate. Pe ea se gasesc functiile utilizare, buton reglare putere prin rotirea butonului de la stinga la dreapta, buton reglare sens rotatie (doua sensuri). Deasemenea este prezenta si functia pedala. Pila electrica functioneaza stabil, nivel de zgomot redus, nu vibreaza.

Una dintre cele mai principale piese a frezei electrice este mandrina. Aceasta are o greutate optima, usor de manevrat in orice pozitie, nu vibreaza in timpul intrebuintarii si este robusta. Schimbarea capetelor de freza se efectueaza intru-un mod comod si foarte rapid datorita sistemului usor de utilizat.

Pila electrica manichiura are un design compact si practic, astfel nu va ocupa mult loc pe masa de manichiura. Are un aspect original, in culoarea sa alba, acesta se va incorpora ideal pe masa de manichiura.

Continut pachet: unitatea centrala, mandrina, suport pentru mandrina, pedala.

Caracteristici: Tip produs: freza electrica Zona corporala compatibila: unghii Putere: 80 W Viteza (rotatii pe minut): 45000 RPM Tensiune de alimentare: 220 V Alimentare: la retea Culoare: roz

Manicure and pedicure machines have made it easier than ever to achieve salon-quality nail treatments at home. The Global Fashion GF-220-pink machine is a popular choice for those looking for a high-speed and efficient tool to tackle their nail needs. With a powerful 80-watt motor capable of reaching up to 45,000 RPM, this machine is sure to leave your nails looking flawless.

The GF-220-pink machine is designed for both manicures and pedicures, making it versatile and practical for women of all ages. Its lightweight and sleek design ensure that you can easily carry it around, making it perfect for those who frequently travel or for mobile nail techs. The compact design also means it can easily fit on your vanity table or in your bag.

The machine comes with a range of technics to choose from, allowing you to customize the settings based on your individual preferences. With controls for speed and direction, you can easily tailor the device to suit your needs. Whether you need a low-speed setting for gentle buffing or a high-speed option for faster results, this machine has got you covered.

Using the GF-220-pink machine is easy, with a user-friendly interface and simple controls. The device comes with a range of attachments, including nail drill bits, sanding bands, and polishing tools, which can be easily changed with just a click of a button. These attachments can help you achieve a variety of nail looks, from simple French tips to intricate nail art designs.

In addition to being an effective tool for nail treatments, the GF-220-pink machine is also aesthetically pleasing, with a stylish pink and white design that is sure to stand out. With its high-speed motor, efficient attachments, and user-friendly interface, this machine is perfect for anyone looking to achieve perfect nails at home or on the go.

Overall, the Global Fashion GF-220-pink manicure and pedicure machine is a must-have for anyone who wants to take their nail game to the next level. With its powerful motor, sleek design, and versatile attachments, this machine is the ultimate tool for achieving salon-quality nails without leaving your house.