Manicure and Pedicure Machine 45000 rpm 80 watt Global Fashion GF-220-black

Code of product 16561Bought 54 times
Manicure and Pedicure Machine 45000 rpm 80 watt Global Fashion GF-220-black
Code of product 16561Bought 54 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1077 g
17.5 cm
23.6 cm
10 cm
MDL 720.00
MDL 900.00
Out of stock
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Freza electrica unghii GF-220 este o freza de calitate, profesionala, indeplinita la cele mai inalte standarte si apreciata pozitiv pe piata. Aparatul atribuie multiple intrebuintari pentru realizarea manichiurei si pedichiurei perfecte.

Pila electrica unghii are o viteza de pana la 45.000 rotatii pe minut. Datorita acesteia timpul de lucru va fi diminuat, asigurat cu rezultate admirabile. Aparatul nu se supraincalzeste, dar viteza de rotatie 45.000 ii incredinteaza un timp de slujire indelungat.

Unitatea centrala are un design modern si practit, produs din materiale de calitate. Pe ea se gasesc functiile utilizare, buton reglare putere prin rotirea butonului de la stinga la dreapta, buton reglare sens rotatie (doua sensuri). Deasemenea este prezenta si functia pedala. Pila electrica functioneaza stabil, nivel de zgomot redus, nu vibreaza.

Una dintre cele mai principale piese a frezei electrice este mandrina. Aceasta are o greutate optima, usor de manevrat in orice pozitie, nu vibreaza in timpul intrebuintarii si este robusta. Schimbarea capetelor de freza se efectueaza intru-un mod comod si foarte rapid datorita sistemului usor de utilizat.

Pila electrica manichiura are un design compact si practic, astfel nu va ocupa mult loc pe masa de manichiura. Are un aspect original, in culoarea sa alba, acesta se va incorpora ideal pe masa de manichiura.

Continut pachet: unitatea centrala, mandrina, suport pentru mandrina, pedala.

Caracteristici: Tip produs: freza electrica Zona corporala compatibila: unghii Putere: 80 W Viteza (rotatii pe minut): 45000 RPM Tensiune de alimentare: 220 V Alimentare: la retea Culoare: negru

The Global Fashion GF-220-black Manicure and Pedicure Machine is a powerful tool that can help transform your nails into a work of art. Rated at an impressive 45,000 revolutions per minute (RPM), the machine is specially designed to make nail extensions, gel nail polish applications, and rotary filing a breeze.

Equipped with an 80-watt motor, this machine is powerful enough to handle even the toughest of nails. If you're a professional nail technician, the high-speed motor can help you save a lot of time on each job compared to manual filing. The machine also comes with a foot pedal that can be used to control the speed of the machine. This means you have complete control over the amount of pressure you apply to the nail.

One of the standout features of the GF-220-black Manicure and Pedicure Machine is its versatility. The machine comes with a variety of drill bits and sanding bands that are suitable for different types of nails and procedures. From removing old polish to shaping and buffing nails, this machine can do it all. The drill bits that come with the machine are also easily replaceable, so you can keep using the same machine for years to come.

In addition to its power and versatility, the GF-220-black Manicure and Pedicure Machine is also easy to use. The machine is designed to be lightweight and compact, making it easy to transport if you need to move it from one location to another. The machine's ergonomic design also ensures that it's comfortable to hold and use for extended periods.

Overall, the GF-220-black Manicure and Pedicure Machine from Global Fashion is an excellent choice for anyone looking to take their nail game to the next level. Whether you're a professional nail technician or just someone looking to do your nails at home, this machine is sure to make the process faster, easier, and more efficient.