Global Fashion ZS-219 nail drill, 35000 RPM, 65W, silver

Code of product 16766Bought 6 times
Global Fashion ZS-219 nail drill, 35000 RPM, 65W, silver
Code of product 16766Bought 6 times
MDL 0.00
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Freza electrica unghii ZS-219 este o freza de calitate, profesionala, indeplinita la cele mai inalte standarte si apreciata pozitiv pe piata. Aparatul atribuie multiple intrebuintari pentru realizarea manichiurei si pedichiurei perfecte.

Pila electrica unghii are o viteza de pana la 35.000 rotatii pe minut. Datorita acesteia timpul de lucru va fi diminuat, asigurat cu rezultate admirabile. Aparatul nu se supraincalzeste, dar viteza de rotatie 35.000 ii incredinteaza un timp de slujire indelungat.

Unitatea centrala are un design modern si practit, produs din materiale de calitate. Pe ea se gasesc functiile utilizare, buton reglare putere facandu-se prin rotirea butonului de la stinga la dreapta, buton reglare sens rotatie (doua sensuri). Deasemenea este prezenta si functia pedala. Aparatul dispunde de ecran digital care afiseaza sensul de rotatie si viteza. Pila electrica functioneaza stabil, nivel de zgomot redus, nu vibreaza.

Una dintre cele mai principale piese a frezei electrice este mandrina. Aceasta are o greutate optima, usor de manevrat in orice pozitie, nu vibreaza in timpul intrebuintarii si este robusta. Schimbarea capetelor de freza se efectuiaza intru-un mod comod si foarte rapid datorita sistemului usor de utilizat.

Pila electrica manichiura are un design compact si practic, astfel nu va ocupa mult loc pe masa de manichiura. Are un aspect original, in culoarea sa argintie, acesta se va incorpora ideal pe masa de manichiura.

Continut pachet: unitatea centrala, mandrina, suport pentru mandrina, pedala, 6 x capete de freza, 6 x capete de slefuit cilindrici, suport bituri.


Tip produs: freza electrica

Zona corporala compatibila: unghii

Putere: 65 W

Viteza (rotatii pe minut): 35000 RPM

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Alimentare: la retea, acumulator

Culoare: argintiu

The Global Fashion ZS-219 nail drill is a sleek and powerful machine that is perfect for those who are serious about nail extensions, technics, and manicure and pedicure services. With its impressive 35000 RPM motor and 65W power output, this silver nail drill can handle even the toughest of jobs with ease.

One of the key features of this machine is its speed control. The Global Fashion ZS-219 has 6 speed settings, allowing you to adjust the RPM to suit your needs. Whether you need a slow and gentle rotation for delicate work or a faster speed for quicker results, this machine has you covered.

The Global Fashion ZS-219 also comes with a range of attachments, including a foot pedal, handpiece holder, and six different drill bits. These attachments make it easy to use the machine for a variety of different tasks, from buffing and smoothing to shaping and sculpting.

Another advantage of the Global Fashion ZS-219 is its compact and lightweight design. This machine is small enough to fit comfortably on any work surface, yet powerful enough to tackle even the largest jobs. And with its attractive silver finish, it looks great too!

Overall, the Global Fashion ZS-219 nail drill is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a powerful and versatile manicure and pedicure machine. Its high-speed motor, adjustable speed control, and range of attachments make it easy to use for a wide variety of different tasks, and its compact size and attractive design make it a great addition to any salon or home workspace.